nourishing bodies, minds, and hearts


Now Active!


Club Yarnell is our new "brand" for activities at the Center for everyone in the community. We have planned one or more activities every month so everyone can participate.

Club Yarnell launched its program of diverse activities in early December 2016.  Various activities are offered within these FIVE  categories and our programming has been thriving:

* Health & Wellness: such as Tai Chi blood pressure checks, flu shots,   fun in the kitchen, healthy eating

* The Arts: Paint-a-painting, interior design

* Bureaucracy Bootcamp: applying for Medicare, caregivers'   workshop, animal rescue

* Fun & Games: game night (Mondays 4-6), t-shirt transformation

* Serendipity: a place for valuable programs not already included in   another category!

Club Yarnell events are open to everyone, are held at the Center, and are free unless otherwise specified.