Seervice Area Ambassadors

nourishing bodies, minds, and hearts

Service Area Ambassadors

Become  a Service Area Ambassador. SAA's attend our board meetings and help  with our outreach, programming, and planning. We are in need of  representation from Skull Valley and Kirkland. If you would like to be  an SAA, please contact us.

YRCC Volunteer Service Area Ambassadors:

  • Glen Ilah:  Wendy Litche
  • Wilhoit:  Glenda & Mac McBrayer
  • Peeples Valley: Phil Lobeck 
  • Congress:  Cheryl Remmerde 
  • North Ranch: JerrieLea Hoph 
  • Skull Valley:  Troy Sutter 

Volunteer Callers for MOW Clients:

  • David Devaney
  • Wilhoit:  Glenda & Mac McBrayer
  • Maureen Schufft
  • Mike Fikes
  • Cathy Vineyard
  • Teresa Scholl
  • Rose Welsh

JerrieLea Hopf, North Ranch

JerrieLea Hopf and her husband, Ron, moved to North Ranch in 2013. They have been active in the Escapees RV Club since 2003 when they sold their home in Illinois and traveled in and around the country in their RV. Since settling in this area, they have both been active at Yarnell Community Presbyterian Church.

Glenda and Mac McBrayer, Wilhoit

Glenda McBryer was born in Phoenix and raised in  Prescott. She attended Phoenix College and ASU, then married Mac and moved to California. She worked on the shipyard until their son was born, then became a stay-at-home Mom for three years. She returned to work for government and moved back to Arizona, where she and Mac built  their home in Wilhoit. Glenda is involved in several volunteer groups in Prescott, Skull Valley and Yarnell.